On our last day together, one of my sweetest and shyest students, Mikiko, came to meet up with us. She actually had taken the day off work and showed up in a kimono, just for the event! We walked through the Nishiki Food Market, where various ingredients and fresh fish are displayed and available for purchase or sampling. Afterward, we went shopping in the covered shopping arcade, and I took them
shoe shopping at a store I'd been eyeing because of their uniquely Japanese brands. Spoiled guy that I am, I ended up with some new shoes out of it all! Even Mom and Jacque found some they liked at that shop, but of course, nothing was like the traditional ones Mikiko was wearing (the tiny wooden sandals and split-toe socks)!

All in all, it was a great visit. I'm so glad that they came and showed an interest in my home for the last year, bravely trying new foods, meeting many of my students, and even learning a few words in Japanese. Way to go...