My Schedule and Service with a Smile
I just completed a schedule for myself and realized why I'm so tired! There's no room on there for "me" time (well, barely). I feel like I'm in a loop that never ends. I don't actually talk to Randy all of the green times, but we do our best to make most of them happen for part of that time. Anyway, here's a copy of it because some of you wanted to know when to reach me. Good luck! Remember that California is 16 hours earlier than my time and the East Coast is 13 hours earlier than me. (you can click on it to enlarge it)
Anyway, the other thing I wanted to mention today is how amazing the customer service is here. Not only did I receive a package here yesterday from my friend Somkith in SF, but it only took 4 days! When I missed delivery, I called a number, and they redelivered it to my house within 90 minutes. Can you believe it? They offered 90 minutes, 3 hours, 5 hours, 7 hours, or anytime the next day. The U.S. could learn a little from the customer service in Japan.
If you ask someone in a store where something is, they literally run to show you or get help for you. Sometimes, as my friend Dave discovered, you can end up with 4 or 5 people around you, all trying to help you accomplish your mission. If you ask directions from a stranger on the street, they will usually walk you all the way to where you were going or at least get you a good block on your way. I've had my Japanese teachers call me to give me information I asked about in passing. One even sat on my phone for me the other day for 10 minutes, trying to get through to the movie theater for me, since I couldn't understand the movie phone thing. I've had strangers miss their stop so that they could show me mine. When I asked at the International Community Center about buying a used scooter, they went onto the internet, did a search for 15 minutes, and printed out pages of locations I could go to find them.
Sometimes it's a little too much, but for a foreigner who is still learning the ropes, it's quite helpful.

If you ask someone in a store where something is, they literally run to show you or get help for you. Sometimes, as my friend Dave discovered, you can end up with 4 or 5 people around you, all trying to help you accomplish your mission. If you ask directions from a stranger on the street, they will usually walk you all the way to where you were going or at least get you a good block on your way. I've had my Japanese teachers call me to give me information I asked about in passing. One even sat on my phone for me the other day for 10 minutes, trying to get through to the movie theater for me, since I couldn't understand the movie phone thing. I've had strangers miss their stop so that they could show me mine. When I asked at the International Community Center about buying a used scooter, they went onto the internet, did a search for 15 minutes, and printed out pages of locations I could go to find them.
Sometimes it's a little too much, but for a foreigner who is still learning the ropes, it's quite helpful.
I get nervous with that much help. I consider myself to give really good customer service, but I really don't want anyone to help me. I guess that I'd have to change that if I was somewhere where I couldn't read the writing on the wall. Congratulations by the way. You're making it in one of the few areas more expensive than London. (which is 8 hours behind you by the way).
This is great info to know.
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