Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Gokiburi Showdown

Gokiburi is Japanese for "cockroach," and I just saw my first one. It was brown, shiny, the size of a 50-cent piece, & apparently rather stupid. It ran under a chair, and when I moved the chair, it ran into the middle of the room. It must have had a death wish because it waited there for me to go get my boot. I hit it, but the resilient one escaped and ran toward my water heater. There it encountered the heel of my boot once more, ending the festivities.

I had heard that they are everywhere during the summer, but (I told myself) I'm clean! Perhaps it was a rogue warrior roach exiled from his clan next door. I'm not usually a fan of killing things, unless they like to sting me. Rather than finding that out on an individual basis, I generally hold entire hives accountable for the past actions of their ancestors. And while roaches don't sting, they tend to lay eggs. Lots of eggs. Not knowing if it was male or female, I didn't take the time to turn it over and check. Instead I decided to relieve this one of it's life before eggs could be lain.

Please forgive me, but THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!


Blogger Megan said...

Even the dalai lama has said that, at times, he wants to mush mosquitos. Hates 'em.

June 16, 2007 at 6:32 AM  

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