Aiki D'oh!
Well I've been thrown into the general class with every one else. I guess my initial "beginner" experience was too good to last. I don't feel as though I've had enough teaching along the lines of how to fall or roll. That was such a small part of my first lesson, and I don't feel prepared for being thrown the way I was last week. So now I'm relying on the gentleness and patience of my fellow practitioners. They've been friendly and helpful.
Then, as I was thrown to the mat the other day, my toenail caught on it and completely bent backwards. It didn't break, but rather was flipped inside out. I flipped it back and continued with the practice for the day, but damn did it hurt!
The next time I went to practice, we practiced a very active move with many throws. Today, my body is sore and reminding me that I'm using muscles I haven't used in a long time, if ever!
I used to be in touch with energy flow more regularly when I was doing bodywork. I feel like a volcano, starting to leak smoke, preparing for a more steady flow of energy. I'm glad to be "active" again.
Then, as I was thrown to the mat the other day, my toenail caught on it and completely bent backwards. It didn't break, but rather was flipped inside out. I flipped it back and continued with the practice for the day, but damn did it hurt!
The next time I went to practice, we practiced a very active move with many throws. Today, my body is sore and reminding me that I'm using muscles I haven't used in a long time, if ever!
I used to be in touch with energy flow more regularly when I was doing bodywork. I feel like a volcano, starting to leak smoke, preparing for a more steady flow of energy. I'm glad to be "active" again.
Howdy Spencer!
I'm glad to see that you are hangin' in there!
Please remember that, though Aikido has a reputation of being a "gentle" martial art, it can still be very martial. There will be more bumps and bruises along the way. I hope that you will be spared from sprains and breaks and such. As your skill increases so will your willingness to take chances -- that is part of how growth happens -- it is also an opportunity for more twisted toenails and such. Don't be scared off just be aware and you will likely do fine.
As for rolling, there is nothing like practice to make that go better! The only advice I can give other than that is
1) Keep your tongue _inside_ your mouth and your teeth closed (bitten tongues are nasty!)
2) Tuck your chin to your chest.
3) Go slowly.
4) Have fun.
Take care!
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